Bizzare Restaurant : Hajime Robot Restaurant

 Fun And Geeky Way To Eat Yakiniku!!!

       I heard about this restaurant which is called a ROBOT RESTAURANT in Bangkok a while go already. If you are running short of ideas to entertain your kids or to enjoy your day, geeky or unusual things is Hajime is an entertaining place for a lunch time or dinner. Hajime is a Yakiniku restaurant, one of the extremely popular eateries in Asia that comes with a mini barbecue in the middle of each table. it might be suprising to first timers but so far nothing is particulary striking. What can makes Hajime unique is the fact that food is brought to you by a Samurai Robot! So its with some excitement that we walked into this Japanese restaurant located near Rama road, scanning the room for any sign of this unique machine. As far as we recall and for those of you who are old enough remember they were promised robot will servants and flying by the year 2020 but so fat it hasn't really happened instead we agot the internet. Science fiction has finally caught up and a robot will serve you today! 

           The restaurant is set in a double U shape with guest sitting on each side of glass alley equipped with a track. In the rear of the restaurant, with their backs to us, are two white robots dressed as Samurai Warriors. On each table a touch screen will be displays all the dishes available with plenty of meat and seafood options. Select all the items you feel like eating the press "order to robot". So far, it is plenty cool and extremely promissing. Then everyone, anxiously gets ready to see the machine in action so the minutes pass and the robots are still there, facing the kitchen and immobile, it almost feels like they are ignoring us. more time passes and the robots are motioness because the human apologizes but the still stay there.

POSTED BY Pocahontas ON Wednesday 14 October 2015 @ 23:19
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