hello! this is where you put a short introduction of your blog / your profile. not too long otherwise it'd overflow and make everything messy. not too short either or it won't look nice. adjust it to about this length (or just a little more) so that it fits the box nicely.
layout 100% handcoded by florals with inspiration from kari and mae and colours from hana*. the backgrounds can be found at fairycandles.
The Safe House in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is definitely a place to go. The restaurant has been built since 1966 and was designed as spy-themed with maze-like architectures and numerous secret passages.
The Safe House Restaurant opened in 1966 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Filled wall-to-wall with spy memorabilia collected by founder/owner David J. Baldwin, it has been used as a backdrop in movies shot in milwaukee such asMajor League,and has been featured on the history channel as one of the best secret locations to visit in the United States. The restaurant has been in featured articles in time the Chicago Tribune, People Magazine, and the London Daily Express for its food, spy drinks and espionage-theme.
If you want to feel like a spy, this is where you want to go. The restaurant is located in a dark alley. For those are not familiar, walking down a dark alley in downtown Milwaukee is an adventure in itself.
“As I said, the spy genre will never go out of style. Spying is the second-oldest profession. The Baldwins have used the spy theme to attract all generations. And after many years of continuing to build the business, adding new and fun elements to the concept, they have created something that has great depth to it. Yes, it’s a spy-themed bar and restaurant, but among many things there’s also movie history, and actual espionage artifacts as well." The owner of the restaurant said.
This year, Baldwin announced he sold the Safe Houseto Milwaukee-based Marcus Corp.The new bosses were on the job Tuesday. And so was the old boss with his wife, Shauna Singh Baldwin, an author who helped oversee Safe House operations. Baldwin said "after all this time," he and his wife co-owned the place.
From my opinion, the restaurant will give you an interesting experince where you can act like a spy in a movie. I think, we need more of it in Malaysia.
POSTED BY Pocahontas ON Sunday, 9 August 2015 @ 07:44