Have ever you eaten in a dark place where you can't even see your meal? You can try this experience at Dark Restaurant in Beijing!
The trend seems to have started in Zurich and has since spawned permutations all over the world, the diners donning blindfolds, sitting in the unlit rooms. However, in Beijing, the dark restaurant is not only about hightening the sense of taste, but lowering social inhibitions. For example Internet daters, who meet on Matchmaking websites. People will feel a lot comfortable when they get to know each other without seeing other's face for the very first time.
It is the first dark restaurant in Asia and officially opened on 23 December 2006. This restaurant has its interior painted in completely black so that diners can enjoy the fun of food in picth-black darkness. The customers will be escorted by waiters wearing night vision googles after they choose the menu into the picth dark dining room to help them find their seats. Flashlights, mobile phones and even luminous watches are strictly forbidden while in the dining room. Eventhough it is completely dark, all the diners cannot do anything too naughty because all the waiters are wearing night-vision googles. It is interesting right, don't you think?

The first dark restaurant was Blindekuh (Blind man's buff in German), in Zurich, Switzerland. It was opened in 1999 by a blind clergyman, Jorge Spielmann, who wished to convey the experience of blindness to sighted customers. The idea came to Spielmann after guests who had dined blindfolded at his own home reported greater enjoyment of their meal through the senses of taste and smell.
Dark Restaurant opens at 4pm starting October 2015.
From my opinion, the restaurant teaches me that appearances is not important but the quality of taste of food.
POSTED BY Pocahontas ON Friday, 7 August 2015 @ 00:58