A Bizarre, Hospital-themed restaurant in Riga, Latvia where patrons eat amongst operating tables, medical equipment and other hospital related paraphernalia, while waiters dressed as nurses wait on them.
The allure of Hospitalis restaurant is a pecular mix of hedonism and aseptic dread of hospitals. Here bartenders wear lab coats and waitresses and are dressed in skimpy nurse uniforms and fluorescent orange wigs. They will strap you in a strait jacket and spoon feed you if you order that special item in the menu, and sign the mandatory agreement. Meals are served in stainless steel dishes and eaten with surgical utensils. Drinks are served in medical beakers and test tubes.
Its a horror show meets dinning experience, one that takes your sense of reality, and possibily a sensitive stomach, for a dark, dream like roller coaster ride.
Hospitalis was a bizarre hospital-themed restaurant in Latvia that featured staff dressed like doctors and nurses, an interior that resembled an operating room, and surgical tools for cutlery.
Medical beakers, test tubes, and jugs serve in place of wine glasses and cocktail glasses at the bar.
It is designed to test your squeamish, this unique restaurant forces you to eat realistic body organ-shaped dishes using actual surgical utensils. The restaurant appears to have closed several years ago.
From my opinion, it is quite good and it can be a place that attracts tourists.
POSTED BY Pocahontas ON Thursday, 10 September 2015 @ 01:49