hello! this is where you put a short introduction of your blog / your profile. not too long otherwise it'd overflow and make everything messy. not too short either or it won't look nice. adjust it to about this length (or just a little more) so that it fits the box nicely.
layout 100% handcoded by florals with inspiration from kari and mae and colours from hana*. the backgrounds can be found at fairycandles.
"Nyotaimori" (which literally means "female body plate") is the name of the japanese restaurant that serves sushi and sashimi on a naked woman's body. The body is made from food and placed on an operating table, much as though in a hospital. You can "operate" anyway and anywhere you want by cutting open the body and eating what you find inside. The body will actually bleed as you cut it and the intestines and organs inside are completely editable. It's a banquet of Cannibalism.
Cannibalistic Sushi, an edible body is wheeled out to your family on a gurney , along with as much scotch as you need to disinfect your forks and convince yourself that this was a good idea. Then, its time to dig in! Whether youre using chopsticks, a knife anf forks or your bare hands, one things for certains: you will be feasting on the entrails of a human being. The artisans at Cannibalistic Sushi have taken pains to ensure that the human body you are ripping into is as lifelike as possible. The sushi inside is shaped to resemble human organs, a red blood sauce is embedded in the skin layer so as to create realistic bleeding, and your corpse even has a set of papier mach genitals! Its like your third grade arts and crafts projects all over agains. If youre an experienced cannibal, make sure to specify a male or female corpse when ordering, and show the other dinner just how sophisticated your taste in human flesh is. And although eating at Cannibalistic Sushi mathose may not quell the voices in your head that command you to kill and devour those around you, it will certainly shut them up for a day or two.
The restaurant has kicked this concept up a notch by designing what may quite possibly be the world’s most disturbing dish. Rather than eating the meal off of a woman’s body, diners eat the actual body itself.
Some people said that This restaurant does not exist. There is no actual evidence of an actual restaurant doing this. The photos and video probably just came from either a special event or the whole thing was made with paper mache.
I'm not sure if it is a good idea.It just seems like a gross concept and inapropriate to have it in Malaysia.
POSTED BY Pocahontas ON Thursday, 10 September 2015 @ 01:49